
Laser Tattoo & Permanent Make Up Removal
A super powerful, revolutionary device – selected devices can do various Removal Procedures.
What you will receive in this facial:
- Exotic Deep Cleanse
- Facial Steaming
- Dermaplaning
- Electrotherapy
- Extractions
- Facial Moisture Massage

Stretch Mark and Scar Therapy
(Inkless or Camouflage Therapy)
Stretch Marks is successfully camouflaged using medical tattooing treatment. The results are accomplished by tattooing skin colour pigments into the hypo-pigmented skin (skin lacking colour) – diminishing the appearance of the Stretch marks. During the consultation, custom blends of pigment are created and then 2-3 microscopic tests are carried out on areas of the Stretch Marks site using the medical tattoo technique. Prior to the medical tattooing process topical anaesthetics are applied to the skin to reduce the prickling sensation generated during the procedure.
Each pigment infusion session normally takes 60 minutes and will require multiple treatment sessions for larger areas. If you have a scar of any type (surgery, accident, etc) the lighter coloured scars can be camouflaged long term using advanced medical tattooing treatments – during which skin coloured pigments are infused into the scar tissue to minimise its appearance. For optimum results scars should be at least one year old and should be paler in colour than the surrounding skin. Medical tattooing is not a suitable solution for all scarring. Notably if scars are hyper-pigmented (dark in colour); are noticeably raised or sunken; or have an uneven texture the treatment may be ineffective as these scar types have poor pigment retention capabilities.
Therefore, not all scar tissue, is suitable for treatment. The most suitable scars to treat with medical tattooing are those that are the result of a clean cut, especially if the scars are the result of surgery – for example a facelift or breast remodelling.

Permanent Make Up
Permanent makeup, also known as permanent cosmetics, derma-pigmentation, micro-pigmentation, and cosmetic tattooing, is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eye-lining and other permanent enhancing colours to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.
Options are:
- Top Eyeliner Lash Enhancement
- Top Eyeliner Classic Technique
- Top Eyeliner Solid Wink Technique
- Top Eyeliner Shaded Wink Technique
- Bottom Eyeliner Lash Enhancement
- Microblading Brow Strokes
- Micro-shading Brow Technique
- Combination Brow Technique (Blading & Shading)
- Powder/Ombre Brow Technique
- Lip Liner
- Lip Blush
- Lip Neutralization
- Pigment colour correction (If it is not our work)

Hydra Gloss Lip Therapy
Options are:

Lip Plump Up Therapy
Options are:

Skin Tag and Mole Removal
(Face, Neck & Body)
Electrocautery device uses a light electrical current with a hair fine needle that heats up, in order to destroy and remove the skin tag in question Local anaesthetic gets applied to numb the area that needs removal.

Dental Grade Teeth Whitening
Dental researchers have figured out safe, efficient ways to use lasers to whiten teeth. The lasers are used to heat and “activate” a hydrogen peroxide gel, which does the work of the whitening. Typically, this method for teeth whitening can brighten teeth from six up to 12 shades brighter. Although it sounds dangerous, laser teeth whitening is completely safe when the appropriate measures are taken. For example, the dentist will place a protective liquid barrier over the gum line. This prevents the laser light from accidentally heating up sensitive tissues in the mouth. It also helps prevent accidentally weakening teeth and gums, which at-home bleaching kits can’t do. This hydrogen peroxide is much more concentrated than the stuff you can get in a bottle from the drug store. It penetrates into the teeth to change their colour from the inside. Teeth whitening needs to be done every 3rd week, after your 3rd session you will receive a dental grade toothpaste to maintain the new whitened tooth colour, which should be used on a daily basis.

Hair Stimulating Therapy
This powerful combination helps to address the problem by encouraging new hair growth. Main Ingredients: Water, Glycerine, Rosmarinus officinalis, Minoxidil, Biotin. Using a needling or stamping technique to create micro channels on scalp surface on areas where hair loss occurs. Applying a HSG serum on the area before the needling process, another layer gets applied on the area and gets massaged into the treated scalp, followed by electrotherapy in order to stimulate the hair follicles and blood circulation. Leave for minimum 6 hours before rinsing area. Repeat every 4 weeks 4 – 6 times